Global Policy ThinkTank & Governance Architect


Domain Plaza


Resources Overview Overview

TTK Overview (Who We Are) is Global Governance Architect & Policy Strategist Thinktank,providing comprehensive Governance & Policy Advisory Solutions across domains including economy, trade, finance, politics & diplomacy, healthcare, education, science and social policy, for Public/Private Sector Stakeholders. 

TTK Founding Timeline & Milestones  ( When We Launch) ThinkTank Solution Architect is initiated in 2021, Consulting Division is established in 2021/2022, and We launch the Pilot Project Website since 2022, to enhance and improve Strategist TTK solution architect, facilitate project flow and engage crucial Stakeholders in the decision process, for the benefits of the whole Thinktank Ecosystem’s Long Term Evolution. 

TTK Visions & Mission (Why We Commit), affiliated to the TTK Syndicate and the Global Consortium, is born not for a Reason, but for a Cause. 

Vision: is founded to be an influential Country Synthesis & Global Networked Multi-Domain Governance Architect & Policy Strategist ThinkTank, supporting both Public and Private Sector Stakeholders in sophisticated matrix system strategic decisions, resource allocation in the policy cycle.  

Mission: aims to provide Domain Policy & Governance Research & Advisory as well as supportive Thinktank Foundation Advisory,  TTK Project Finance, Portfolio Management Services for public and private sector Stakeholders across geopolitical regions, with continuous innovations contributing to the ThinkTank ecosystem in the mid & long run. 

Infancy Period is not easy for Anyone, but we are not daunted by challenges, or yield easily. looks forward to collaborating with strategic partners from various backgrounds during this thrilling and rewarding journey. 

TTK Solution Architect ( What We Offer ) 

  • Country Synthesis & Global Resource Matrix Solution (Public & Private Sector) 
  • Matrix System Governance Architect Solutions (Public Sector) 
  • Domain Policy Strategist & Analyst Solution (Public Sector)
  • CorpEconomist & Strategist Solutions (Private Sector) 
  • TTK Research & Project Collaboration Solutions ( Strategist TTK partnership)  ( Academia & ThinkTanks) 
  • TTK Foundation Management Consulting Solution ( Foundation) 
  • TTK Project Stakeholder Finance & IR Solutions ( IR/Funding) 
  • TTK Operation Consulting & Portfolio Management Solutions (Operation & Portfolio Management) 

TTK Stakeholders ( For Whom We Serve ) 

TTK Partners 

  • Academia,Universities & Colleges
  • Media & Journalism
  • Data Vendors & ICT partners
  • Governance Entities & Multilateral Organizations;
  • Large Business Corporations
  • Endowment & Foundations

TTK Clients 

  • Multilateral Organizations 
  • Goverance Entities 
  • Business Entities 
  • Foundations & Family offices 

TTK Investors 

  • Strategic Investors 
  • Financial Investors 
  • Stakeholder Funding Partners 

TTK Expert Network

  • Academia Researchers & Professors 
  • Governers & Policy Analysts 
  • ThinkTank & Foundation Professionals 
  • Management Consultants 
  • Financial Advisors, Tax Consultants & Legal Counselors
  • NGO Project Managers and Social Enterprise Consultants
  • Media Journalists/Editors/Columnists 

TTK Business Model & Value Propositions (How We Approach) 

Value Propositions 

Strategist is boutique ThinkTank Domain Governance Architect & Policy Strategists platform, and has ZERO intention to grab the Lion’s share of Incumbents and/or simply copy the business model of any Predecessors, whom are long-respected.  

On the contrary, we identify some of the critical domain challenges and strive to provide our thinking, methodologies and devise policy proposals and solutions systematically while flexibly in innovative, sustainable approaches,  in joint efforts with our partners and clients. 

Business Model is multi-domain policy advisors, our revenue streams comes from funded project research from foundations, governance entities and multilateral organizations, as well as private sector financial institution and business entities ESG and CSR initiatives. 

In addition, ThinkTank Portal and Cloud Platform in parallel, provides charged infrastructure and consulting/advisory solutions and services to stakeholders. 

Domain Plaza

Domain Plaza Domain Plaza provides Policy Research Insights & Projects, locally and globally covering crucial domains, which include: 

TTK Economy

TTK Politics & Diplomacy


TTK Finance, Fiscal & Monetary

TTK Legal & Governance

TTK Energies & Environment

TTK Science & Tech, Innovation

TTK Healthcare, Food & Agriculture

TTK Education & Workforce

TTK Industry, Market Entry & Competition

TTK Urban Planning & Industry Cluster

TTK Social Policy, Pension, Children, Gender, Aging, Female, Equality


All Rights Reserved @ ThinkTank. is engaged in Multi-Domain Policy Strategist, ThinkTank Research and Advisory Projects, advising multiple stakeholders with actionable insights, constructive policy options to concrete society challenges and problems; is non-partisan, or involved in any ideological debates locally or globally. is Multi-Domain Policy Strategist ThinkTank, does not provide “Critical Information Infrastructure/ICT Services” to clients/partners, as defined in Local Cyber Security Review Inspection. Meanwhile,’s Policy ThinkTank Research and Advisory Projects are based on Public Data Source, and/or third-party Global/Local Business Database. 

The information, data, analyses and Domain Policy Consultancy Solutions (“Information”) contained herein on Policy ThinkTank Pilot Website (1) include the proprietary information and independent research, advisory and solutions, products, services of;  clarified, specified and disclosed only under legal compulsory situation, and/or business confidential scenario at Team ’s discretion ; (2) may not be copied or redistributed except as specifically authorized by; (3) do not constitute business advice to or solicitation for commissions from any Individuals, Public, Massmedia;  (4) are provided solely for informational, illustrative, research and advisory purposes; and (5) are not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely.